We’re Bec & Clark.
At the end of 2022, we said goodbye to the life we’d built in Sydney and took a leap into a new chapter. For the next year, we travelled the world full-time, visiting 29 countries across 4 continents.
The decision to pack up our lives and head overseas was not made overnight. It all started in March of 2020, when we returned home from a 2-week road trip in New Zealand. We were sad that our holiday was over, and we were returning to the 9-to-5 grind, so we eagerly began planning where we would spend our next chunk of annual leave.
Then the world turned upside down.
Like a lot of people, we had plenty of time in lockdown to dream of the future and consider if the life we were living was where we still wanted to be in a year or two. We had both been working in the arts industry and while we loved the careers we had built, we also begun to feel like it was time for something new.
We have always loved travelling and our ever-growing bucket list was simply not achievable if we only had a few weeks off each year. The idea of leaving a stable income and a place to call home was daunting to say the least, but the thought of looking back and regretting not taking the risk when we could was even scarier.
It took a lot of budgeting, saving and planning, but at the end of 2022 we finally said farewell to our jobs, moved out of our apartment and boxed up our belongings. We flew out of Sydney bound for country # 1 on our year-long journey across Oceania, South-East Asia, USA, Europe and UK.
When we returned home in November 2023, we were devastated the year had come to end, but equally excited to see our family and friends and share all our stories from around the world. We had learnt and grown a lot in our year abroad, constantly out of our comfort zone and immersed in different cultures, while ticking off our dream destinations.
Travel helped us put things into perspective and discover what we really wanted in our lives. As we figured out how to get back into routine at home, dealing with a mix of emotions, job applications and apartment hunting, there was one thing we decided was certain – our love of travel was as strong as ever, and our journey had only just begun.
We started this blog to capture our travel memories and share them with loved ones back home. Along the way, we fell in love with the process of blogging and started to pour more of our heart and soul into this website. We wanted to build a platform that was easy to navigate, ad-free and captured our love of the full process; from the dreams, to the plans and finally, the experience.
Our travel blog is a place to help others plan their trips, whether a short vacation or a longer sabbatical, to share our love of road trips, hikes and bucket list destinations and to outline the benefits of taking a break to travel, all from our own experience.
If you already know us – thank you for joining us online too.
If you don’t know us – welcome, thank you for stopping by, and we hope you get something out of our blog.